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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bits Bucket for June 20, 2012

How much is a good supply?

a good supply of wealth, is enough to make an entrepreneur feel confident enough to start a business.

What happens when extreme concentration of this supply in the hands of the very few becomes an enabling factor for subjugation and exploitation?

subjugation only happens with the force of government. exploitation is a subjective term. if you feel you’re being exploited, don’t hire on.

What controls would you put in place to prevent situations like the giant factory tenements of the early industrial revolution where little kids were forced to work incredibly long hours, often losing body parts in the machines they were tasked with maintaining?

it’s the parents responsibility whether and where their little kids work.

The free market sounds wonderful, but why is it that its staunchest advocates are completely clueless when it comes to the abuses it inevitably leads to?

why are the free market’s detractors completely clueless when it comes to the bounty it inevitably leads to?

To paraphrase Emil Vrabie: Under communism man exploits man. Under capitalism it’s the other way around.

under capitalism, production is ‘exploited’ to everyone’s benefit. even its detractors, that don’t deserve its benefit.

Why not have a balanced system where the incentives are still intact, but the excesses are curbed?

a fully free market is in equilibrium so incentives and excesses are in balance.

One last note - am I the only one that has notice that many/most of the largest corporations and their beneficiaries are heavily sucking off the government teat?

government has no teats to suck. all it has is a gun.

Our single largest export is weapons - made largely by defense contractors that hugely bilk the taxpayer (google GSA pricing sometime).

who takes the money from the taxpayer? contractors? no, it’s the government.

Energy companies - sell massive amounts to the government(at WAY overinflated prices I’m sure) while also getting HUGE subsidies. Big food / agriculture - ginormous subsidies.

EVERYTHING you’ve named above from government.

Why is it that the greatest capitalists seem to get a huge amount(if not the majority) of their revenue from government handouts?

because we haven’t followed the constitution.

I’m a capitalist myself.

you don’t sound like one.

I even want to start my own business.

big government will make you fail, unless you’ve bought government power.

But I recognize that limits need to be in place.

yes, you want big government.

We need the incentives of the free market to spur innovation and efficient resource distribution, but there HAVE to be limits or sooner or later it will always evolve into pure exploitation.

purely liberal dogma.

Look at any third world nation where those with “a good supply of wealth” have been allowed to proceed completely unfettered by any societal/governmental/legal regulations or limits - instant banana republic.

all banana republics were caused by crushing big government.

This is the result of corruption, and now with citizens united, the same bacchanalian orgy of unbridled greed and ruin is coming soon to a Congress near you!

i’m not gekko. i never said “greed, for the lack of a better word, is good.” greed isn’t good. but ambition is good. and self-interest is good and doesn’t mean ’selfishness’.

Is that really what you want for this country?

i want freedom, with personal and property rights protected. i want the constantly rising standard of living that free market capitalism brings.

View the original article here

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