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Friday, June 17, 2011

Bits Bucket for June 6, 2011

How dumb is the Tea Party? I mean, come on, Sarah Palin?

One’s hand over their heart does not make one a good candidate. Oh sure, they all wax patriotic when the camera rolls. But what is Palin’s history as a Presidential candidate?

She has one, remember? She ran as an equal part of John McCain’s ticket.

And what did John McCain do? After campaigning on “personal responsibility” and “capitalism” he suspended his campaign to return to Washington DC and stump for passage of TARP, which did not have sufficient votes in the Senate to pass at the time, and shepherded it through The Senate as the cornerstone of his campaign just a couple of weeks before the election.

Where was Sarah? In full support of this action: She has not said one word negatively about Mr. McCain’s acts in that regard, either during that time or since.

Now, three years into this, we have the facts to go with what Sarah Palin personally enabled, both at the time and since:

Banks took that money and remained in business. We have since discovered that they have been foreclosing on people without any evidence that they hold the alleged debt in question. A Fortune study pointed out what I have been asserted for four years: The banks do not own the paper in a majority of the cases.

The banks have NOT ceased the practices that got them in trouble. Credit-default swaps and other derivatives are still traded over the counter. There is no nightly mark to market. In point of fact, Kanjorski (former Rep D-11, PA) codified the practice of marking “assets” to fantasy values which continues to this day. There has been $9 trillion in market loss on residential real estate if you believe Zillow, but only $500 billion in removed debt from the Fed’s Z1 in mortgages. Where did the rest go? While certainly some was lost equity, not all was. The rest is being actively hidden, an act of intentional and legalized deceit that Palin and McCain actively supported in 2008 and continue to support today.

While she says The Fed has done “bad” things (in an oblique way) she has not committed to a zero inflation policy through enforcement of The Federal Reserve Act via something like reinstatement of the Coinage Act of 1792s sanctions for non-compliance. And until and unless she does, she’s not for “sound money.” All the arm-waving is of no value until and unless you hear something solid that can be reduced to an actual policy. I haven’t heard any such thing - have you?

There has been no recognition that the ponzi scheme of exponential “growth” has been a false God since 1983 under both Democrat and Republican administrations. Until this is recognized, admitted to and dealt with we cannot fix what’s wrong with the economy. Chief among these facts are labor and environmental arbitrage.

She has refused to demand that every illegal immigrant go home. Now. We have some 8 million Americans who would like a job but can’t find one. We have some 20 million illegal invaders. The math is obvious. A “secure border” at some future date does not address the problem that is here and now.

She has no energy policy. Sorry, “Drill drill drill” isn’t an energy policy. Petroleum is a dead end street. Yes, we have to do it for now, but it’s not an energy policy - period. Nor is natural gas. There are solutions but they’re not found in sucking off the oil companies, which she’s very, very good at. They’re found in paths like LFTRs (thorium salt reactors); high-temperature nuclear designs can be deployed that are much safer than the common water-cooled units we run today, they have process heat available, and with that process heat we can produce liquid hydrocarbons for transportation fuel from coal. The result is an energy policy that is self-contained in our nation and which we can fuel for over one thousand years at today’s consumption rates, and for roughly five hundred years given expected population growth. That’s a plan forward that will work. “Drill drill drill” will not do anything except make the oil companies rich and you poor.

She has yet to put forward what her view of “Constitutional Government” is. Get rid of the TSA? Zero the Department of Education? Zero Agriculture? Eliminate the Nazi-style police state tactics such as those used on Guerrera in Arizona? Sue Indiana for their violation of the Constitution under their State Supreme Court ruling? I’ve heard nothing that speaks to original intent, Constitutional Government and individual liberty. Zip, zero, nada.

Now maybe you can all overlook these facts. After all, she’s cute. But I vote for policies, not euphoria. I vote for expressed principles that have been reduced to acts, and in this case Palin has a major problem found in the acts of the other half of her ticket in 2008 - an act which led to over a million people losing their homes through questionable circumstances and an ongoing economic Depression that had its costs transferred to the taxpayers through bailouts and fraud.

Will Palin jail any of these jackasses? If she will I certainly haven’t heard her promise to do it. In fact, all I’ve heard thus far, since 2008, constitutes support of those very jackals that destroyed the economy in the first place.

So tell me… exactly what policies has Sarah Palin espoused that you think would make things better?

I can’t name one, and that’s a problem.

View the original article here

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